Monday, March 20, 2006
Put Some Lead in Your Head, Bitch
I've had a lot of dreams the past couple of days because we just started Spring Break, so I'm actually getting a decent amount of sleep (and then some). I haven't tried to remember them, because I keep forgetting to put a journal by my bed. One part of my dream stuck in my mind all day. It tells me I have some real issues with trust.

The part of the many mini dreams that I remember...

I was sitting in a meeting with my sister and one of the professors on my committee. I suppose it's because my committee members do a lot for me and often go to bat for me that his role was more like a cross between my attorney and a member of the mob whose job it was to protect me. We were sitting there discussing something when he suddenly pulled out a gun and shot my sister in the head. I didn't scream, I was just more like, "What the fuck did you do that for?" He said, "She was about to kill you." Sure enough, there was a gun in her hand under the table.

After that, she, my mom, and I were all together...all dead but still in some sort of living dream. I was telling my mom what had happened. I was still hanging out with my sister in this "after life" despite what had happened.

Most surprising to me, I think, was that the vivid violence of the dream didn't bother me at all. It was as if I knew in my dream that it was just metaphoric.
posted by GrandPooOfAwesome @ 9:24 PM  
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