Sunday, February 05, 2006
We were sitting at a table. There were several teachers that I work with. Among them was one I like very much (who was beside me) and one (male teacher) I don't much like (who was across the table). The two were arguing. The one I like had confessed she has become an internet addict (which isn't true to life). She said the name of the website she'd spent time on. Having a computer in front of me at the table, I went to the site. It was a tick-tack-toe game of Jon Stewart who made liberal jokes as you played. Then, when you were finished playing, it gave you an evangelical Christian message telling you how to get saved. I thought this was weird. (I think I dreamt this because I think it's odd how liberal she is and still a Christian.) Later, at home, I found a site where the same teacher had written some lengthy, humorous, and intelligent comments. I was impressed.
posted by GrandPooOfAwesome @ 8:47 PM   0 comments
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